
Quality Policy

To place meat and meat derivatives in the market which correspond to the consumers’ expectations;

– To focus our attention on the consumer, with flexibility of adaptation of products and services to the market’s demands;


Continuous innovation of processes, products and services.

– To engage the company’s productive activities in the quality chain and customer demand;

– To seek for processes efficacy and efficiency in the quality management system;

– To invest in the employees’ training and individual accountability.

Forest of Herdade do Gamoal

The forest of Herdade do Gamoal(Gamoal Farm) has been certified by the Forest Stewardship Council A.C. (FSC).
From that moment on, Raporal S.A. may describe the management of its forest area as “FSC Certified”, and may commercialize FSC certified products from the certified area.

The APFCertificaForest Stewardship Council

The APFCErtifica Group is a system of forest certification in the scope of the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), developed by the Association of the Forest producers of the Municipality of Coruche and Bordering Municipalities, which aims at the certification of its associates forests management.


The collective certification enables forest producers to obtain FSC Certification in more gainful conditions if compared with individual initiative.

This is an innovative action in which the implementation of the APFCErtifica Group’s forest manaement system is carried out with the support of the APFC’s technical team, and there is only one code of certification..

The annual audits are carried out by an external entity which audits randomly selected farms..

Safety in Livestock-Rearing

Since 2008 Raporal S.A. has reinforced its market position

Including a process of acquisition or rental of more Animal Farms, both in the pig and cattle rearing, thus demonstrating all its dynamism and competitiveness in this sector. These animal farms have undergone many alterations, namely in terms of organization and control; on each of them there is a technician responsible for its good functioning and maintenance.

Our chief objetive is to control the sanitary conditions and hygiene, the water, pests and diseases, as well as training in the area of Environment and Work Safety for all workers.

There is also waste control and of the residual effluents derived from the Residual Water Treatment Staions that exist on these farms.


The 100% RAPORAL seal ensures that the meat used in the elaboration of each product comes from our own farms, and that the entire production process is totally controlled by us, guaranteeing tradition, quality and rigor, for your total safety.

Produtos da marca Stec são “Gluten Free”

A Raporal tem as suas unidades industriais STEC isentas de Glúten em todo o processo produtivo. Foi criado um selo “Gluten Free” que passa a integrar a rotulagem dos produtos de charcutaria da marca STEC, garantido uma identificação mais imediata para a comunidade celíaca, de alimentos seguros sem glúten.
Esta iniciativa está enquadrada numa estratégia que prioriza a adoção de procedimentos que, por sua vez, permitam colocar no mercado produtos que se adequem às necessidades atuais dos consumidores.
Para a Raporal é muito gratificante poder ajudar a encontrar soluções para os problemas específicos que decorrem da doença celíaca que se caracteriza por uma intolerância alimentar ao Glúten, pelo que os indivíduos que padecem da mesma, necessitam de cumprir uma dieta isenta de glúten composta por alimentos correntes cuja composição não inclui esta substância e, desta forma, poder contribuir para aumentar a oferta aos celíacos e familiares, através dos produtos da marca STEC.

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