
Experience, responsibility, quality.

The animal production is represented by the brand RapFarms with more than 40 units of bovine and swine production. From these units we highlight Gamoal Farm as one of the most modern animal production structures in the country.
RAPORAL focus on having a sustainable development, assuming an environmental responsibility. The rigorous implementation of environmental, hygiene and safety standards at work are essential for the company.

Pork with more flavour

The Project “Pork with more flavour” aims for the production of a tenderjuicy and tasteful meat. This project was only possible due to a partnership with a multinational group of genetics, which allowed the definition of some fundamental elements to be followed, namely the selection of the best race, the differentiated production management for giving the animal more space, the diet, the increasing of the age of slaughter, which allows the deposition of intramuscular fat, the composition of meat nutrients and the business model.

The results are evident:

  • More tender and juicy meat, due to the fusion of different types of fat while being cooked and minor loss of water, when compared with traditional pork meat.
  • Best flavour.
  • Improved visual appearance, due to the marbled effect of the meat.
  • Superior nutritional quality thanks to the presence of monounsaturated fatty acids that reduce the “bad cholesterol”.

Production of Iberian Pig

The project for the production of Iberian Pig which we are developing in Alandroal (Raprent Pipeira) is at once ambitious and challenging.

We intend not only to diversity our business areas, but also to expand each one of them from within. This productions unit is composed by 350 sows, and the boar used in the crossing is a pure breed Alentejano Pig so as to create high quality animals.

The animals resulting from this crossing shall undergo their final stage in cork-oak and holm oak forests. This is a central aspect for the creation of a differentiated product with added value.

We project a yearly production of around 6.000 animals.

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